North Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency
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If "Any Other", Kindly Specify Below:
Educational centres (Primary schools, Secondary Schools, Colleges, Universities etc)-indicate whether boarding or day, indicate specific number of boarded and day students separately)
Health facilities (Indicate whether inpatient or outpatient)-indicate approximate number of inpatients and outpatients separately, indicate the bed capacity for the inpatient facilities i.e number of wards, beds etc.)
Other Institutions (Churches, Mosques etc.), indicate the name and approximate number of attendants per religious institution
Industrial institutions such as cooling plants, manufacturing plants, Cereal millers etc.)
Livestock (Goats, sheep, cattle, donkeys, camels, Poultry, Pigs, etc), indicate number of livestock per household
Domestic demand (indicate the name of the village and estimated No. of Households for each village)
Other Institutions (Shops, Hotels etc.), indicate the estimated no of staff and visitors per day
(Kindly sketch the project source, tank sites, distribution lines, storage tanks and communal water points/kiosks. Indicate tentative distances from one component to the other)
I hereby certify that the particulars given above are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief
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